The Magical Creature
The Magical creature is a project very close to my heart. My grandmother Dina Ron was a teacher and youth worker, a child at heart and soul. Making up stories and songs was one of her many talents, used to make children of all ages laugh and relate to.
During the process of attempting to publish “The Magical Creature” my grandmother started showing signs of what later evolved into Alzheimer’s disease and the work on the book stopped prematurely.
Years later, when the disease had completely taken away her ability of expression, I took the mission of finishing this project upon myself and decided to illustrate and publish it in her name.
“The Magical Creature” was independently published and sold hundreds of copies. Many kids have enjoyed the story and illustrations, and were inspired to create and draw their own “Magical Creatures” following the experience of reading the book.
This book serves as a memory and tribute to the person Dina was- to me as a grandmother, to our entire family, the generations she influenced through her work and the ones to come.